社史 Company History
Sakaichi Tosa, the present past chairman of Maywa Denki, entered Shin-Maywa Kogyo in Kobe. This company was operated as “Kawanishi Airplane” and manufactured a fighter such as “Shidenkai” during World War Ⅱ, and Sakaichi drew a plan of a seaplane empennage there.
After he retired from the company in 1969, he established Maywa Denki Ltd. in Ako city, Hyogo Prefecture. His new company started as a subcontract factory of Toshiba and Matsushita Electric(Panasonic), producing a Vacuum tube, and grew into a medium-sized company, which had more than 100 workers in its employ at its peak. Unfortunately this company had to close down its business in 1979 because of the financial difficulties under the influence of so-caller “oil shock”

14年後の1993年、土佐阪一の息子である土佐正道、土佐信道は、アート・ユニットとして再び明和電機設立。それぞれ代表取締役社長、代表取締役副社長に就任。社訓「やったもんがち、とったもんがち」を掲げ、魚をモチーフにしたナンセンス・マシーン「魚器シリーズ」、電動楽器シリーズ「ツクバ」を次々と開発。 パラレル・ワールドの電機屋さんとして、日本のお茶の間の皆様に衝撃を与え続けている。
Maywa Denki again as an art unit.Masamichi(elder brother) assumed office as the president and Novmichi (younger Brother) the vice president. With the company’s policy “Do it to conquer, Take it to conquer” they invented and developed various products such as NAKI Series, a series of fish-motif nonsence mashines, and Tsukuba Series, a series of electric musical instruments. As a “Parallel-world electricians,”Maywa Denki has been entertaining and making an impact on the public in Japan.
Masamichi Tosa retired at the age of 35,and Novmichi Tosa succeeded his brother as the president.Novmichi started developing “EDELWEISS Series” as his new project,which brought him to join a big exhibitions in Paris and London.In October 2003, Mywa Denki was to be invited to the Expo,”Human being & Robot” held in Paris,France. Besides the products and instruments, Toy Series of Maywa Denki,like “Knockman Family,”was born as an easy-to-play toy for everybody.From day to day, Novmichi works hard to provide the customers with a dream of “Life with Maywa Denki.”

2010年、新たに「ボイスメカニクスシリーズ」をスタート。そのコンセプトをプロダクト化した「オタマトーン」は国内外で12万個を販売し大ヒット、2010年おもちゃ大賞を受賞する。また2011年8月にはフランスで開催された「TRANSFORMWER展」において明和電機の全製品を展示。2013年7月にはスペイン人振付家ブランカ・リーによる明和電機の楽器やコスチュームを持ちいたダンスパフォーマンス「ROBOT !」がフランスで開催され、明和電機のフランチャイズ化に向けて一歩前進する。2013年に20周年を向かえ、赤坂ブリッツで20周年記念ライブ、金沢21世紀美術館にて展覧会を開催した。また同年には文化庁文化交流使の指名を受ける。2014年から子ども向けのメカニカルライブ「ヒゲ博士とナンセンス★マシーン」を開始。2016年には中国・上海の現代美術館McaMにて、過去最大規模(3000㎡)の展覧会を成功させるなど、国内外でますます活動の場を広げている。
In 2010, the company newly developed the Voice Mechanics Series. The Otamatone series, in which the concept of the Voice Mechanics Series was put into commercial products, was a big hit at home and abroad, selling 120,000 units, receiving the 2010 Toys Grand Prix. In August 2011, all of the products of Maywa Denki were exhibited at the Transformer Exhibition held in France. In July 2013, the dance performance “ROBOT!” produced by Blanca Lee, a Spanish choreographer, will be held in France, in which musical instruments and costumes of Maywa Denki are used. This will help the company take a step toward its franchise business. Celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2013, It held the memorial concert at Akasaka Blitz and the retrospective exhibition at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa. Formally nominated as a cultural envoy for the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan in 2013, Maywa Denki is increasingly expanding its business activities.
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